Thursday 24 May 2012

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Hands

Here are my photos for the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge:

Exchanging rings at our wedding ceremony
For some reason, hands make me think of our wedding...

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Recipe: Better Than Breakfast Cookies

Due to popular demand (ok, five people on my personal Facebook page :P) here is my recipe for "Better Than Breakfast Cookies". They have no flour, no dairy, no egg, no oil and no refined sugar. That means they can easily be gluten-free and vegan friendly. (With a few tiny modifications.)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Blogs/Sites You Read That AREN'T about Books

This week's theme for "Top Ten Tuesday" via "The Broke and the Bookish" isn't that difficult for me. I don't regularly read book-centric blogs. I visit goodreads a lot but that's different... So here are some fun blogs to check out...

1. Clay Baboons ~ A fellow Canadian girl! Yay! She tells funny stories and illustrates them with photos of clay figures that she makes. And once she gave some away.

2. I'd Like Cheese on My Entire Family AKA Da Cheeseblarg ~ This blog has original art that is often quite hilarious. She tells stories that are sometimes a bit sad but mostly with a lot of humour. She's really nice. And a little obsessed with Jason Segal. And narwhals. And llamas.

3. Raptitude ~ A fellow Winnipegger! This blog is more serious than the first two. I don't always agree complete with everything he writes, but he clearly is very intelligent and has really thought out what he writes about. Themes tend to run along the lines of life goals and trying to be a better, fuller person. Very well written.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Blue

Blue is most people's favourite colour. Thanks to a recent discussion with my hubby I have a theory on that.

Here is my photo(s) for the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge:

Uber blue flowers

Hit the jump for my theory on why we like blue... (and for more blue pix)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd Like To See On A Reality Show

This week's theme for "Top Ten Tuesday" via "The Broke and the Bookish" is extra challenging for me. I don't watch reality TV. I have seen some shows, but I mostly find them gratingly annoying. Picking ten of my favourite authors won't be difficult but what setting to put them in...

There was this one reality show that I did like. Actually, only the first season. Anyone remember "The Mole" from 2001? It was hosted by Anderson Cooper. The basic premise was that you ran around doing various spy missions to earn money for the winner's pot while one of the 'contestants' was actually a mole trying to screw up the missions and keep the pot lower. The first season was so fun! Everyone was having fun playing spies and the mole was actually really nice. :P The second season got all catty and uber competitive. Not as much fun.

So if I had to pick a real reality show, The Mole is the one I would pick. And the contestants?

Sunday 13 May 2012

Photos: Assiniboine Park on a Sunday Afternoon in Spring

Here are some photos from our walk through the Assiniboine Park today... (My hubby took a bunch of pics for his photo blog, too.)

Geese heading towards a small child with a bag of bread... ~ Photo by Bonnie Falk

Friday 11 May 2012

Musings on How Tech is Changing Our Stuff and Society

This sounds like a topic more appropriate for my husband's blog Faceborg. He's the tech genius but I'm a geek, too. :)

We've all read about how the Internet is changing society and that seems to be the base of much of our innovative technology these days. It's all about the latest social media craze or app for your mobile device, right? But there are other changes happening that we are seeing but maybe not looking at where they might lead.
Reading on a train while moving very fast. ~ Photo by Bonnie Falk

Thursday 10 May 2012

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

Oh, look! Another fun weekly challenge! If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you'll know that I love photography. So a weekly photo challenge is my cup of tea. I also love tea.

I was reading Colonialist's Blog and noticed this WordPress challenge. Each Friday they will post a theme and you have until the next Friday to post your photo.

So here is my entry for this week:

"Bonnie being all blurry and fashionable in Venice." ~ Photo by Evan Falk

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Quotes From Books

Here is my second episode of "Top Ten Tuesday" from The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is favourite quotes from books. As you can see form the title of the post.

1. “Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy  {This is how I feel many days. }

Monday 7 May 2012

Blogging from A to Z: Reflections

Ah! This was supposed to go up yesterday! I post on time, every day, for a month... but then can't make a one-off deadline. :P

Ok, so during the month of April, I took part in the "Blogging A to Z Challenge." We are asked to debrief at the end to give feed back to the creators. I noticed that some people did this the day after it ended and here I am a week later... I was busy, ok? Had an epic birthday weekend celebrating 3 family birthdays. Got one more coming up this next weekend. :)

Sunday 6 May 2012

Photos: Munson Park

Here is a quick photo post from a walk we took this evening...

Munson Park ~ Photo by Bonnie Falk

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books You'd Like To See Made Into A Movie

Now that the epic Blogging from A to Z Challenge is over, my plan is to take a break form such a hectic blogging schedule. However, I don't want to totally lose momentum. Things got a little crazy at times but I did really enjoy it!

Part of my plan for keeping up with blogging regularly is to find other challenges to participate in. Maybe I'll do some personal ones, too, but group challenges are really fun!

Here is one I just found that sounds like something I could really get into: "Top Ten Tuesday" by The Broke and the Bookish. Lists about books. Perfect!!! (I discovered this weekly challenge on Colin D Smith's blog, another A to Z participant.)