Monday 29 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Yogourt

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

Y is for Yogourt! 

Pear yogourt.

Yogourt can be spelled many ways so I've gone with the preferred Canadian spelling as it can be used in English and French. Yeah, maybe this is a lame topic but 'y' can be tricky and this is something that is different between Winnipeg and Davao. Tomorrow's post will be way more awesome!

I love yogourt. I used to eat it all the time. We had a pretty decent selection in Winnipeg. My favourite was a pear flavoured one that used only apple juice as a sweetener. But it got discontinued. My brother-in-law makes his own yogourt. He shared some with us once and it was quite good! Maybe this is something I'll have to experiment with here... but most milk is UHT so not sure how that would work...

Nearly ever supermarket has a display like this.

Bennywho, in Davao Yakult is the thing! It's not technically yogourt but rather a cultured milk product. It's from Japan and kind of a big deal in Asia, from what I read. It is very thin and the 'original' flavour tastes like key lime. It's nice but not as much fun as the things you can make with regular yogourt.

Vanilla yogourt on peaches and oatmeal. Mmm...


  1. Didn't know you could spell it as yogourt! That is new info. I love yogurt and Yakult and considered blogging about them for Y too.

    1. Yeah, you can spell it about a half dozen different ways. :)

  2. I've never really been a fan of yogurt. The frozen kind, maybe, but not the regular kind. My dogs, however, love it.

  3. I want to eat that last picture,nom nom nom

  4. Mmm. Yogurt with peaches and oatmeal looks sooo tasty. Some of that, please!

  5. I used to eat yogurt a lot, but after getting teeth pulled and then getting my wisdom teeth out, I don't eat it that often. I still love the taste but I got really tired of the textures after a while.

    1. I was like that with Jello and a school contest incident. Eventually I got over it. But, yeah, I can see that the texture would not be for everyone.
