Wednesday 23 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Umbrella

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Will you need an umbrella or a rain coat? How much SFP will I need in my moisturizer? Part of checking the weather is understanding precipitation and humidity.

The infamous yellow umbrella

I tried wearing my ultra light rain coat in the Philippines once. I nearly died. Way too hot! Not only is an umbrella a necessity for leaving the house in the tropics because of sudden down pours, but it doubles as a parasol if the sky hasn't clouded over yet. On the prairies where I'm from, you can forecast rain weeks in advance. And you'll probably want that layer of warmth when it happens.

When you're checking out what climate you'll be visiting and what to expect for that time of year, consider if you will need an umbrella or what kind of jacket might be appropriate. High humidity makes every feel more. More cold or more hot. 

So cold in Ha Long Bay!
Low humidity will make your skin crack. My face loves the humidity of the tropics but a trip up to Northern Vietnam was painful. I didn't check humidity levels. I have stopped wearing moisturizer in the Philippines (it usually sweats off) unless I'm going out in the sun (then high SPF) but when I travel I make sure to bring extra along so I don't turn red, flaky and itchy. If you will be in the sun a lot, make sure you use a high SPF that your face likes.


  1. Umbrellas are so small nowadays, I do try to take one with me pretty much wherever I go.
